Apr 19Liked by Justin Ross

"And the internet has turned us all into irresponsible drug users."

Recently, I've asked a few of my close friends to show me their daily screen usage time. None agree to do so. They know it's horrible. They know they spend hours on doomscrolls and all the other types of scrolls. They are addicted. Addicted drug users.

It's reassuring to read your piece which see's the issue cleary - sometimes I wonder if other people are as worried about phone/internet/social media usage as I am.

This was a seriously deep and investigative piece. Very good writing Justin. I'm subscribing so I can hang around for the next ones!

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Apr 3Liked by Justin Ross

I love the advice you give here so much about keeping your identity small and leaving the internet for the real world. One thing I have struggled with while develop myself is that everyone has strong opinions about what I should or should not do as a young man. Marry early, marry late, don't date at all, save when you are young, spend when you are young, learn X programming language, no learn Y.. on and on.. it didn't help that I am the kind of person who is always trying to fit into a group and feel that I belong.. it was not until I kept following advice and ending up unhappy that I learnt that all that matters is what works for me or what is practical for my specific situation.. You've made me understand what was happening

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Mar 21Liked by Justin Ross

Another gem. thank you.

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Mar 20Liked by Justin Ross

Love this post! I find so much truth in what you write. People say things on social media that they would never say in a face to face conversation with someone. They love feeling important. People who make grand, sweeping statements about everyone in a political party for example. They feel so self-righteous and relevant. In reality, they appear petty, small, and uninformed. In trying so hard to look relevant, they make themselves into someone you view as not even worthy of having a conversation with.

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